Process water is required in industrial plants or used in manufacturing processes. The term process water includes both cooling water for heat exchangers and machines, as well as boiler feed water, or water for the production of chemical solutions.
Process water treatment is needed wherever water is available which is not suitable for the planned process. Even if the process water is in a closed circuit, it does not remain free of contaminants and fouling. Pipelines can corrode and the make-up water can also contaminate the process water. Nowadays, the importance of process water treatment is still growing due to the increased importance of resource-saving production processes and rising water prices. Depending on the special requirements of the manufacturing processes the contaminated water is treated by different treatment processes in order to meet the desired quality parameters. The rinsing and process water can be treated for multiple reuse in the circuit using a suitable process combination of filtration, activated carbon, ion exchange and UV treatment.