The new Hippopotamus- and Crocodile Enclosure of the Cologne Zoo opened on 29.10.10!

We are pleased to have contributed essential to this construction by the delivery of four filtration systems of the AZUD Helix Automatic Series 500 Air Assist. At that a television report from 3sat TV, in which the technical aspect of the system is described:


Freie Sicht auf Hippos - Drei Filtersysteme holen Kotreste aus dem Wasser

"Eine aufwändige Filteranlage hält das Wasser im Kölner Hippodom sauber, so dass die Besucher freie Sicht auf die Flusspferde haben.

Das funktioniert nur durch eine mehrstufige Filtration, einer Kombination aus Kläranlage, Wasser - und Trinkwasseraufbereitung!"


Clear view of the hippopotamus  – Three filtration systems remove faecal

“An elaborate filtration system keeps the water in the Cologne Hippodom clear so the visitors can have a clear view of the hippopotamus.

A multi-stage filtration composed of a combination of a clarification plant and drinking water purification makes it possible!”


A television report from German telestation 3sat